
Feline-only What You Should Know About Feline Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that primarily affects dog...

May 23 • 2 min read
Companion Animal 5 Great Pets for Families With Younger Kids

Introducing a pet into your family can be a rewarding experience, especially when you have younger c...

May 16 • 2 min read
Companion Animal How Vets Use Ultrasound in Pet Care

Veterinarians use a wide range of tools and technologies to deliver timely, compassionate care to ou...

May 9 • 2 min read
Companion Animal Recognizing Behavioral Changes in Your Dog

As a responsible pet owner, understanding your dog’s behavior is essential for their well-bein...

May 2 • 2 min read
Companion Animal 5 Tips for Traveling With Your Pet

Traveling with your furry friend can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also comes with i...

Apr 25 • 3 min read
Exotic Animal Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Chinchilla

Considering adopting a chinchilla as a new addition to your family? These adorable and furry creatur...

Apr 18 • 3 min read
Companion Animal Tips to Stop Excessive Barking

Excessive barking can be a frustrating behavior problem for pet owners and their neighbors alike. Wh...

Apr 11 • 3 min read
Feline-only Investigating Litterbox Issues in Cats

As a devoted cat owner, you want nothing but the best for your feline friend, including a clean and ...

Apr 4 • 2 min read
Large Animal Building Safe and Secure Livestock Fencing

As a livestock owner, you understand the importance of having reliable fencing to keep your animals ...

Mar 28 • 3 min read
Companion Animal What Is the Most Important Training for Dogs?

Welcoming a furry friend into your life is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with responsibilitie...

Mar 21 • 2 min read


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Shifa Farm & House Call Veterinary Services
7510 82 Avenue Northwest Edmonton, AlbertaT6C 0X9